1st Latin American Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics attracts international experts
Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Applied Mathematics (FGV EMAp), in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC), will hold the first Latin American Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM) between January 30 and February 3, at the FGV Cultural Center (Praia de Botafogo, 190, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro).
The goal is to join forces to consolidate and strengthen recent advances in mathematics and its applications, as well as growing use of applied and computational mathematics in different fields of activity.
LACIAM will bring together researchers, students and other professionals from different centers in Latin America and other parts of the world who work with applied mathematics and other related areas. The program includes conferences, thematic sessions, poster presentations and panel discussions. During this edition, special emphasis will be placed on the participation of young researchers and the creation of collaborative networks encompassing existing research groups.
“More than 170 people have signed up for the event, from more than 20 countries. There will be many young people from Latin America, especially Brazil. Many researchers from Europe and other countries such as the United States, Russia and Canada are also coming,” says Maria Soledad Aronna, a professor at FGV EMAp and chairperson of the event’s organizing committee.
For the lectures, 11 specialists from various parts of the world are confirmed. LACIAM will also run some minicourses. Ana Shirley Ferreira da Silva of Ceará Federal University in Brazil will teach a minicourse called “Graph Coloring − Theory and Application.” Christian Vergara of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering at Milan Polytechnic, Italy, will teach a minicourse called “Numerical Solution of Coupled Problems in the Cardiovascular Field.”
All the subjects covered by the event are related to applied, computational and industrial mathematics, including but not limited to the following fields:
- Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- Control and Optimization
- Discrete Mathematics
- Statistics, Probability and Stochastic Methods
- Partial Differential Equations
- Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Analysis
- Data Analysis and Machine Learning
- Game Theory
- Applied Mathematics in Computer Science
- Mathematics in Biology
- Applied Mathematics for Industry and Engineering
To find out more information and see the program of activities, go to LACIAM’s website.