Brazil-Italy cooperation: webinar looks at technological infrastructure applied to coffee growing

The event will present economic analysis and discuss prospects for bilateral opportunities for technological and industrial exchange between Italy and Brazil.
Relações Internacionais
10 二月 2023
Brazil-Italy cooperation: webinar looks at technological infrastructure applied to coffee growing

The Center for Infrastructure and Environmental Solutions (FGV CEISA) at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP), in partnership with the Italy-Brazil Association and Italian Institute of Technology, is holding a free webinar called “Brazil-Italy Cooperation: Technological Infrastructure Applied to Coffee Growing.” This public event will take place on February 13, at 2 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel.

The event will present economic analysis and discuss prospects for bilateral opportunities for technological and industrial exchange between Italy and Brazil, focusing on the production, consumption and export of Brazilian coffee. Existing technologies and ongoing research involving coffee producers and exporters in Brazil will be addressed, as well as the country’s prominence as a sustainable agro-industrial power.

Talks will be given by Marcos Matos, CEO of the Council of Brazilian Coffee Exporters; Fabrizio Tubertini, head of industrial innovation at the Italian Institute of Technology; and Maurício Sampaio, an agribusiness specialist and external consultant at GO Associados. The moderators will be Gesner Oliveira, the coordinator of FGV EAESP’s Center for Infrastructure and Environmental Solutions; and Alfredo Pretto, the president of the Italy-Brazil Association.

To take part, please sign up here.


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