FGV provides opportunity for researchers to attract partners to carry out projects
Researchers from various institutions in Brazil and abroad will have the opportunity to present proposals for research projects to be carried out by multidisciplinary teams with partners, at the Seventh FGV Research Symposium.
The Flash Presentations Panel, one of the new features of this year’s edition of the symposium, will be held on the afternoon of September 13, and it will be attended by representatives of various research funding organizations. This year, the FGV Research Symposium will take place on September 12, 13 and 14 at the FGV Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro.
“This panel was designed for researchers who have a proposal for a research project that can benefit from collaboration with researchers in the social sciences, humanities and other fields of knowledge,” says FGV’s research and innovation director, Goret Pereira Paulo. Interested parties should email their presentations to research.net@fgv.br by August 21. The presentation template can be found here.
During the panel, researchers will have 10 minutes to present their objectives, their proposed methodology and the next steps required to carry out their intended multidisciplinary research project.
Representatives of the following institutions have confirmed their attendance at the panel: the Sao Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP), the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (FAPERJ), the Funding Agency for Studies and Projects (FINEP), the Brazilian Education Ministry’s graduate education support agency, CAPES, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the National Council of State Research Foundations (CONFAP), the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry for Science, Technology and Information.
The FGV Research Symposium seeks to structure networks of researchers from Brazil and other countries in order to carry out multidisciplinary research projects with major impacts on Brazil’s socioeconomic development. This year, there will be debates about key challenges facing society in the following areas: Research and Innovation; Ethics and Integrity in Research; the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change and Environmental Disasters; Communication and the New Social Order; and Tax Reform and the Government’s Fiscal Framework.
To take part, please sign up here.