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Seminar | Clinical Governance in Different Healthcare Settings

FGV Campinas
14h00 - 17h30
FGV Unit Responsible:
Institute for Educational Development
Seminário | Governança clínica em diferentes cenários da assistência à saúde


The theme "Clinical governance in different healthcare settings" reflects the need to address healthcare management from various perspectives and contexts, ranging from hospitals and clinics to rehabilitation centers and home care. The seminar aims to explore the contribution of clinical governance when effectively applied in each of these scenarios, with the aim of improving clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and the efficiency of healthcare services, while providing safe and quality care, with the central aspect being respect for the patient. In addition to promoting the exchange of experiences and knowledge among participants, the seminar aims to be a space for reflection on the role of healthcare professionals in leadership, innovation in processes, and the perspective of a career in healthcare management.

Dr. Jayme Malek - Medical Director, Emergency Care, Unimed Campinas
Prof. Dr. Antônio Gonçalves de Oliveira Filho - Director of Institutional Relations, FUNCAMP
Dr. Fernando De Marco - General Director, Hospital São Luiz Campinas - Rede D’Or
Dr. Gabriel Redondano - Medical Director, Hospital Vera Cruz – Campinas
Prof. Dr. Laura Maria Cesar Schiesari - FGV Health and Health Consultant at the World Bank

Maria Laiz Zanardo - Coordinator of the MBA in Health Management, FGV Executive Education
Dr. Luís Bonilha - Physician and Guest Professor, FGV Executive Education

The event is free, and seats are limited!


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