Administration conference now accepting papers

Meeting’s main objective is to stimulate research by students and networking between researchers
05 August 2024
Administration conference now accepting papers

The Third Brazilian Meeting of Graduate Business Students (EBAA), which will take place in hybrid form on October 25 and 26, 2024, is holding a call for papers until August 12, 2024.

Held in partnership with Rio de Janeiro Federal University’s Business School (COPPEAD), the event has the theme of High-Quality Academic Output in Administration. With the aim of stimulating research by graduate business students in Brazil, EBAA offers students a valuable opportunity to share the results of their research with other professionals and researchers who are also interested in the same subject.

In addition, EBAA is an excellent opportunity for participants’ research to reach a wider and more discerning audience. The goal is to promote discussion at a high academic level in order to allow students to improve their skills and seek to get their papers published in the most relevant scientific journals in the field.

EBAA 2024 will be organized in six academic divisions:

  • Public Administration, Public Policy and Government;
  • Finance and Accounting;
  • Marketing;
  • Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Organizations;
  • Leadership, Behavior and Decision Making;
  • Operations and Logistics.

Scientific articles, technical reports and teaching cases will be accepted, provided that at least one of the authors is a master’s and/or doctoral student.

For more information about the event, click here.

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