
Amazon Dialogues: Webinar debates tax reform paths

Discussion of tax reform in Brazil recently gained momentum with the creation of a working group in the House of Representatives, which was given a very tight deadline to present a report on the subject.

Amazon Dialogues: Webinar debates tax reform paths

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP) is holding a free webinar on tax reform paths. This public event will take place on April 10, at 7 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel.

Discussion of tax reform in Brazil recently gained momentum with the creation of a working group in the House of Representatives, which was given a very tight deadline to present a report on the subject. The federal government and various sectors of society are determined to adopt a value-added tax, replacing a variety of taxes (PIS, COFINS, IPI, ICMS and ISS).

However, other sectors, such as services and agriculture, have expressed concerns about a possible increase in their tax burden. Furthermore, what will happen to state governments’ finances? To address this issue, three finance secretaries from states with different characteristics will debate the consequences of tax reform for state governments’ finances.

The event is part of the Amazon Dialogues, a digital platform to discuss topics related to sustainable socioeconomic development in the Brazilian Amazon with the whole of organized civil society.

The guest speakers will be Alex Del Giglio, Amazonas state finance secretary; Cristiane Alkmin Junqueira Schmidt, Goiás state economy secretary; and Renê de Oliveira Garcia Junior, Paraná state finance secretary.

The moderators will be Márcio Holland, the coordinator of the Finance and Economics Master’s Program at FGV; and Daniel Vargas, the coordinator of FGV’s Bioeconomy Observatory and research coordinator at the FGV Center for Agribusiness Studies.

To take part, please sign up here.