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Book organized by EAESP Professor presents social business panorama

In an interview with the newspaper Valor Econômico, Barki explained what are and how these ventures, which develop products and services for classes C, D, and E - historically without market access.

Businesses with social impact are profitable ventures that help promote social development at the base of the pyramid. And they are also the subject of the book Negócios com Impacto Social no Brasil? (Businesses with Social Impact in Brazil) - co-organized by Professor Edgard Barki, coordinator of the sustainable retail and base of the pyramid program for the Center for Retail Excellence at São Paulo School of Business Administration (GVcev/EAESP).In an interview with the newspaper Valor Econômico, Barki explained what are and how these ventures, which develop products and services for classes C, D, and E - historically without market access. They are profitable ventures that help promote social development at the base of the pyramid. They include both the creation of more affordable products and services that meet the demands of this population, and businesses created in this environment, thus helping to fight poverty, he explained.According to the professor, social businesses are part of a global trend that recover a more humanistic and collaborative vision which was lost to the advancement of consumerism and individualism. It's not about abandoning the logic of capitalism, but understanding that another kind of capitalism, more inclusive, is possible, he said.  However, he warns that the social and environmental dimensions are still being treated as externalities associated with corporate social responsibility, which causes them to be cut in times of crisis. In Barki's opinion, they must be incorporated into the business logic.I believe that this movement may come from companies of all sizes, as long as they incorporate this new management approach. For example, Coca-Cola's sales increase in regions where it develops the Coletivo Coca-Cola, a training and income generation program for young people in destitute communities. It becomes a win-win situation, and positive social impact is understood as part of the business, which increases the company's earnings, he argued.Please click here to learn more about the book Negócios com Impacto Social no Brasil (in Portuguese).Read the full article (only available in Portuguese, for subscribers of Valor Econômico).