
Brazilian School of Economics and Finance holds selection process for Direct Doctorate in Economics

The program is organized in research tracks such as Development, Econometrics, Finance, Applied Microeconomics, International Economics, Dynamic and Monetary Economics, and Economic Theory.

EPGE realiza processo seletivo para Doutorado Direto em EconomiaBrazilian School of Economics and Finance holds selection process for Direct Doctorate in Economics

FGV’s Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (EPGE) announced the exam information for the selection process of the Direct Doctorate in Economics. In this process, candidates can apply without the requirement of having a Master’s degree.

The course aims to train scholars in tune with the latest in relevant fields of economics in a global perspective. The program is organized in research tracks such as Development, Econometrics, Finance, Applied Microeconomics, International Economics, Dynamic and Monetary Economics, and Economic Theory.

Students admitted in this course are exempt tuition payments and are eligible for scholarship in accordance with the rules set forth by public agencies (CNPq, Capes/PROEX, FAPERJ). The complete information on the Direct Doctorate can also be accessed on the EPGE website or through the Meeting with the Coordination, which takes place on 8/22 and 10/9.

Registrations are open here until 10/20. For more information, click here.