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Corporate communication is subject of event in partnership with ABERJE

This public event will take place on May 28, at 8 a.m., in the FGV Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro.

Corporate communication is subject of event in partnership with ABERJE

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) and the Brazilian Business Communication Association (ABERJE) are organizing a seminar called “Warm Up ABERJE Trends.” This public event will take place on May 28, at 8 a.m., in the FGV Cultural Center in Rio de Janeiro.

The event will discuss topics such as the impact of artificial intelligence on corporate communication in organizations (both internally and externally), trends in cause communication, mergers and other subjects relevant to business communication.


  • Douglas Cantu, communication area, ABERJE
  • Guilherme Scarance, general manager for external communication, Vale
  • Karla de Melo, head of reputation and corporate communication, FIRJAN
  • Leonardo Muller, communication area, ABERJE
  • Marco Aurelio Ruediger, dean of FGV ECMI
  • Mario Andrada, columnist, Poder360
  • Philipe Deschamps Dias, culture and corporate communication manager, State Grid Brazil, and director of Rio de Janeiro branch of ABERJE 
  • Sonia Barbosa, Vibra Energia

FGV Cultural Center
190 Praia de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro

To take part, please sign up here.