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CPDOC Professor gives inaugural lecture as Rio Branco Chair in London

In the inaugural lecture by the Rio Branco Chair in International Relations at King's College, in London, CPDOC's Professor, Matias Spektor, spoke about the quest for autonomy in Brazilian foreign policy. The lecture, entitled Brazil's Foreign Policy Grand Strategy: Theory and History of Autonomy was open to teachers and students of the British institution. The Rio Branco Chair is supported by the Brazilian higher education research council (CAPES) and the Rio Branco Institute of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It represents a step forward in the collaboration between King's College London and the above-mentioned institutions in Brazil. The chair was named in honor of José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco, Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1902 until 1912, under the government of four different presidents. He negotiated territorial disputes between Brazil and its geographical neighbors to consolidate the modern boundaries of the country and he was one of the most important architects of the Brazilian foreign policy in the 20th century. The creation of the Chair aims to expand the knowledge and understanding of Brazil as a rising power in the first half of the 21st century, the dynamics of Brazil in the world and the country's position in global matters. Professor Spektor is the first to occupy the position at King's College London, where he will serve as visiting researcher during the entire year of 2013.