CPDOC welcomes papers for research workshop on the European Union

As part of the activities organized to celebrate Europe Day, on May 9, FGV's International Relations Center will hold the 2nd Workshop on European Union Research, with the theme European Studies in Brazil - new agendas of a field under development. The workshop for graduate students will be held on May 10 at FGV in Rio de Janeiro. Master's and doctorate students, working on issues related to the European Union, will have the opportunity to present and discuss their ongoing work with internationally renowned experts. Enrollment The workshop is open to students enrolled in masters or doctoral programs in Politics, International Relations, Social Sciences, History, Economics and Law, but the places available are limited. Those interested should send a 500 word abstract about their research and résumé to The deadline is March 15. The selected students must then submit an approved paper in English by April 15. CPDOC will partially cover the travel costs for students from outside Rio de Janeiro. The extent of financial support will depend on the number of participants. FGV's International Relations Center is based in the School of Social Sciences/CPDOC. For more information on this workshop, including the professors' biographies and schedule, please click here
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