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CPDP LatAm 2024: Event debates data governance

Theme of this year’s event is “Data Governance: From Latin America to the G20

CPDP LatAm 2024: Event debates data governance

The Center for Technology and Society at the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School is organizing the Latin American Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP LatAm 2024). The event, featuring discussions with a wide range of stakeholders, will take place on July 17 and 18 in FGV’s main building in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.

Considering Brazil’s presidency of the G20 this year, the central theme of the meeting will be “Data Governance: From Latin America to the G20.” CPDP LatAm 2024 will be an official side event of T20, the G20’s think tank engagement group.

The event is a unique opportunity to bring together the varied perspectives of leading experts from Latin America and G20 countries on data protection and its impact on democracy, innovation and regulation. To this end, the event will feature two plenary sessions and 27 other discussions over the course of two days, followed by a side event called “Digital Sovereignty in the G20” on 19 July.

The keynote speech will be given by Max Schrems, founder of the European Center for Digital Rights (which styles itself as “none of your business” or “NOYB”), known worldwide for the Schrems I and II cases at the Court of Justice of the European Union, which led to the renegotiation of data transfers between the EU and the United States.

The moderators will be Luca Belli, a professor and the coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society at the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School; and Nicolo Zingales, a professor and the coordinator of the institution’s Center for E-Commerce Studies. The speakers will include regulators, academics, and representatives of civil society organizations, intergovernmental organizations and companies from 24 different countries.

The opening plenary session will feature Ana Brian, UN special rapporteur for privacy; Waldemar Gonçalves, president of Brazil’s National Data Protection Agency (ANPD); Luanna Roncaratti, the secretary at Brazil’s Ministry for Management and Innovation; Armando Manzueta, the Dominican Republic’s director of digital transformation; Ahmad Bhinder, policy innovation director at the Digital Cooperation Organization; Andreia Saad, data protection director at Brazilian media company Globo; and Samantha Oliveria, data protection officer at e-commerce group Mercado Livre.

The closing plenary session will involve Max Schrems, founder of NOYB; Estela Aranha, a member of the UN AI Advisory Board; Grenfieth Sierra Cadena, Colombia’s data protection superintendent; Jonathan Mendoza, Mexico’s data protection secretary; Natalia Lima, compliance officer at Huawei; Caitlin Mulholland, a professor and president of the Law School at Rio de Janeiro Catholic University; Nikhil Pahwa, founder of news portal Medianama; and Laura Schertel, a professor at the Brazilian Institute for Education, Development and Research (IDP).

Event details

Date: July 17 and 18
Venue: FGV Cultural Center, 186 Praia de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
For the full schedule and more information, click here.
To sign up, click here.