
Criminal forensics is the subject of a book elaborated by FGV/EBAPE professors

The book assumes the importance of a more specific approach to the various aspects of criminology in Brazil, little addressed in the studies or publications available. 

Professors of the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV/EBAPE), Flavio Vasconcelos and Joaquim Rubens organized together with the professor and the Federal Police criminal expert, Márcia Aiko Tsunoda, the book Gestão pública: a perícia criminal em foco? (Public management: a focus on criminal forensics), which brings, from a managerial point of view, some reflections on forensics performed in Brazil.Published by FGV Press, the work is the result of several studies conducted in EBAPE's master's program. According to Joaquim Rubens, it is an extract of the dissertations of the students of the first class (out of two) of the academic master's degree with an emphasis in criminology, and all chapters were written by students in partnership with their advisor (or advisors), he explained.The book assumes the importance of a more specific approach to the various aspects of criminology in Brazil, little addressed in the studies or publications available. The professor highlighted the two main motivations of the work: Expanding knowledge in the field of criminalistics in Brazil, based on surveys with students, and strengthen the student-professor partnership, he said.Professor Márcia Aiko Tsunoda, author of one dissertation published, also highlighted the need for knowledge production in the area. Criminal Forensics Management, as a vital part of public safety policies and of the effectiveness of justice in the country, deserves attention and studies that promote the improvement of its performance in order to decrease impunity, and hence, decrease criminality in Brazil. The quality of physical evidence to solve crimes is a critical factor, and this quality can only be achieved with good management of forensics bodies, he argued.The book Public Gestão pública: a perícia criminal em foco is the result of a partnership between FGV/EBAPE, FGV Press and the Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV/IBRE).Please click here and check more information at FGV Press' online store (in Portuguese).