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Digital communication studies are presented at Compós 2024

FGV ECMI is taking part in one of the field’s foremost events, presenting papers focused on the world of digital communication

Digital communication studies are presented at Compós 2024

Disinformation, gender-based violence, security policies for social networks, platformization and gender issues involving games are the themes of five papers by researchers and professors at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) that will be presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the National Association of Communication Graduate Programs (Compós).

This year’s edition of the meeting – one of the foremost communication-related events in Brazil – will bring together researchers from across the country to discuss their studies in 24 working groups. FGV ECMI will be represented by “Disinformation and the demographic, political and media profile of denialists in Brazil,” a paper written by professors Luciana Veiga and Eurico Matos, researcher Denisson Santos and Professor Victor Piaia. This study will be presented to a working group called Communication and Politics.

The same group will also examine a paper titled “Interrupted trajectories, disguised insults: Political gender violence on digital platforms,” written by FGV ECMI researcher Letícia Sabbatini and external researcher Viktor Chagas.

Professor Anna Bentes will present her paper, called “The platformization of advertising and digital influence technologies: Infrastructure, markets and governance,” to the Digital Materialities and Communication Practices working group.

Another FGV ECMI professor, Renata Tomaz, will present a paper, titled “Security policies at Tik Tok for ‘young people’ – regulated sociability,” to the Child and Youth Communication Processes working group.

Finally, external researcher José Messias and FGV ECMI researcher Catherine Moura will present their paper, titled “Playing like a girl: A virtual ethnography of women amid the platformization of digital culture,” to the Communication and Culture working group.

Details of event:

Date: July 23 to 26, 2024

Venue: Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro