DIREITO RIO and Sorbonne Nouvelle carry out a colloquium on Brazilian public policies in Paris

On July 5 and 6, the Center for Research in Law and Economics (CPDE) of DIREITO RIO Law School organized, in a partnership with the Université de Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle), the colloquium ?Analysis of the Brazilian Public Policies?. It took place at the Institut des Amériques, in Paris.The professors from DIREITO RIO, Melina Rocha Lukic and Patrícia Sampaio, presented their researches at the event that gathered important names of the French public policies, such as the professor Yves Surel (Université de Paris II and Sciece Po Paris) and Patrick Hassenteufel (Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) and researchers from several Brazilian universities.The purpose was to present and address empirical researches on various Brazilian public policies (social, industrial, housing, fiscal and environmental). Lecturers made an analysis of such policies based on different perspectives, such as: actors, participation, institutions and federative matters.Also attending the colloquium was the professor from EAESP Francisco Fonseca and Marta Ferreira Santos Farah.
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