EBAPE's research receives honorable mention at Sociology congress

The work Social UPP and Peace Territories: a study on the social public policies in Rio de Janeiro's shanty towns and its network structuring, by the researchers of the Program of Public Sphere Studies (PEEP) of the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV/EBAPE), Isadora Silva de Araujo and Clara Gomes Polycarpo Peres, received Honorable Mention in the category Undergraduates/Graduates of the Sociologists of the Future awards, at the 16th Brazilian Congress of Sociology. The event took place on September 10th - 13th, 2013 in Salvador, Bahia.The work is the result of a survey carried out by PEEP in order to analyze social public policies programs - Social UPP and Peace Territories - in three shanty towns in Rio de Janeiro with Pacifying Police Units (UPPs): Santa Marta, Chapéu Mangueira and Babilônia.The PEEP is coordinated by professor Sonia Fleury. For more information, please click here. (in Portuguese)
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