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EPGE debates Macroprudential policies in Mexico

Felipe Iachan, professor at FGV/EPGE - Graduate School of Economics, presented the work Project selection and risk taking under credit constraints at the Conference on Macroprudential Policies, held in Mexico City on June 20-21. Organized by the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), the World Bank and the Banca d'Italia, the objective of the meeting was to promote an open debate among academics, international agencies and economic policymakers, besides sharing experiences in the implementation of policies.  Academics, representatives from 14 central banks and multilateral organizations, such as the IMF, World Bank and OECD presented works assessing currency risk, cross-exposures in the banking market, and management policies of bank reserves. The macroprudential policies aim to monitor, prevent and contain risks that may affect the financial system as a whole, bringing about serious macroeconomic consequences. * In the picture, the researchers who attended the conference.