FGV debates Brazilian power sector challenges

The need to diversify the energy matrix, of long-term planning, the business environment for the power sector in the country and investments in transmission line. To discuss these issues and prospects for the future, the Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE) and the Center for Studies in Regulation and Infrastructure (CERI) at Fundação Getulio Vargas will hold, on 4th and 5th of July, the III Seminar on Matrix and Energy Safety in Brazil. Divided into seven panels, the event will be attended by experts from FGV, the University of Brasilia (UNB), Northwestern University, representatives of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), the National System Operator (ONS), the Energy Research Company (EPE), the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL), the Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP), Itaipu, among others. Looking for alternatives According to researchers at FGV, the chances that the country will face difficulties to ensure the supply of energy needed for growth are not discarded - which may be exacerbated by the low level of hydroelectric reservoirs this time of year. The situation has required the operation of thermal power plants at full capacity, in an attempt to mitigate the reduction in the supply of electricity generated by hydroelectric power plants. However, the thermoelectric option for long periods is more expensive and is subject to gas supply and to the capacity of the continuous generation of thermal energy. Furthermore, the expansion projects of nuclear power were frozen after the nuclear accident in Japan, and the possibilities of expanding the generation through sources such as wind, solar and biomass are still timid in regards to the country needs. The III Seminar on Matrix and Energy Safety in Brazil will take place in the auditorium on the 12th floor of FGV's headquarters in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, from 9am to 4:30pm. The event is open to the public and will be held in Portuguese. To participate, click and sign up (only in Portuguese). For more information on the schedule, click here (available only in Portuguese).
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