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FGV EPGE comes first in economics in National Student Performance Exam for third time in row

As a result, FGV EPGE has come first in 4 of 6 evaluations so far carried out by Education Ministry and has taken top slot in ENADE exam more than any other institution.

FGV EPGE comes first in economics in National Student Performance Exam for third time in row

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE) continues to stand out as a leader in economics education in Brazil, maintaining exceptional performance in evaluations based on the National Student Performance Exam (ENADE). The 2022 ENADE results, released by the Education Ministry and its National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP) on October 31, reveal that FGV EPGE came first in the exam yet again.

The school took first place nationwide in the economics section of ENADE, for the fourth time out of the six evaluations carried out to date by the Education Ministry. It was also the only school to obtain the maximum possible score of 5 out of 229 higher education institutions that teach economics in Brazil.

In the six ENADE evaluations conducted by the Education Ministry since 2006 (in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022), FGV EPGE came top nationwide in 2006, 2015, 2018 and 2022. As a result, it has come first for economics more times than any other higher education institution in Brazil, taking the top slot in the three latest assessments.

This is an achievement by and for all FGV EPGE students. It was achieved directly by our undergraduate students, but it also extends to our academic master’s, academic doctoral and professional master’s students. It also establishes a level of excellence for FGV EPGE’s Executive Education Program, made up of extension and non-degree graduate courses.

FGV EPGE especially congratulates those students who took the most recent edition of ENADE in 2022 and brought this important distinction to themselves and to the school.

“I would like to congratulate all our undergraduates who, competing with their peers throughout Brazil, took first place in ENADE for FGV EPGE for the fourth time in six evaluations. The school has many distinctions, but our students set the benchmark for excellence.”

Professor Rubens Penha Cysne
Dean of FGV EPGE

“I am delighted to announce that our undergraduate course was awarded the maximum possible score of 5 in the 2022 National Student Performance Exam (ENADE). As well as obtaining the maximum continuous score, we also came first out of 229 economics courses assessed in the country.”

Professor José Gustavo Féres
Coordinator of FGV EPGE

“My decision to study economics at FGV EPGE was based on several factors and one of the most important was the school’s maximum possible score in ENADE, alongside the excellence of its professors. The constant pursuit of academic excellence is reflected not only in the institution’s reputation, but also in my personal achievement in taking part in ENADE in 2022, helping the school maintain its top score. FGV stands out not only for its teaching quality, but also for its emphasis on research, providing an environment conducive to intellectual and professional development.”

Guilherme Cota
Former FGV EPGE undergraduate student