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FGV EPGE comes first in Education Ministry CPC ranking, out of 9891 courses

Undergraduate program offered by Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE) took first place in Education Ministry’s CPC nationwide ranking, out of 9891 higher education courses.

FGV EPGE comes first in Education Ministry CPC ranking, out of 9891 courses

The Preliminary Course Score (CPC) ranking is designed to assess the overall quality of undergraduate programs in Brazil. CPC differs from the National Student Performance Exam (ENADE) in that it also considers the value added by courses to students’ learning (measured by the IDD indicator), students’ perceptions and other parameters (see below). It also differs from the General Course Index (IGC), another Education Ministry indicator, by focusing only on undergraduate programs.

According to the Education Ministry, CPC has four dimensions:

  1. Students’ performance: measured on the basis of graduating students’ grades in the National Student Performance Exam (ENADE);
  2. Value added by the education process offered by the course: measured using the results of the Difference Between Observed and Expected Performance Indicator (IDD);
  3. Faculty: based on information obtained from the Higher Education Census, regarding the qualifications and working conditions of the professors linked to the evaluated courses;
  4. Students’ perceptions of education process conditions: obtained by collecting information on educational organization, infrastructure, physical facilities, and opportunities to broaden academic and professional training, based on answers obtained from the student questionnaire.

The Education Ministry recently announced the above results, including not just economics, but all the areas assessed in the last National Student Performance Exam (ENADE).

To find out more about FGV EPGE, click here.

To access the full CPC database, click here.

To find out more about FGV EPGE’s performance in ENADE and IGC, click here.