FGV Projetos helps IDB promote Brazilian tourism in the Caribbean
The analysis of Brazil's touristic demand for the member countries of Caricom (Caribbean Community), done by FGV Projetos, supports IDB in the payment of more than US$ 20 million in funds for projects in the sector.
A team of experts from FGV Projetos detailed the touristic flow between Brazil and the Caribbean, and generated a study that provides strategic information for the plans of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to promote projects for tourism development. The survey presented a map of the 20 major Brazilian cities with a potential to send tourists to the region which will result in investments of over US$ 20 million in projects for the sector, identifying the profile of current visitors and future travelers to the Caribbean region.According to Guilherme Piereck, IDB's Integration and Trade manager, FGV's contribution was essential for the project's success. FGV delivered technical knowledge and availability to change, support and participate in events to disseminate the results. The project was very well accepted by stakeholders. For the Project coordinator of FGV Projetos, Luiz Gustavo Barbosa, studies of current and potential tourism demand are essential to quantify investments in promotion and dissemination of countries in the tourism sector, he said.The study was presented in Jamaica, Barbados and in the Bahamas - CARICOM member countries - and completed in the Destination Success seminar in São Paulo, as part of the IDB's Technical Cooperation for the promotion of tourism in the Caribbean.Studies on aviation, legislation and marketing conducted by the Bank's partner institutions were also part of this analysis.
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