FGV Projetos' meeting presents challenges in neuroscience

FGV Projetos offered on July 1st, a conference on neuroscience and its application in social processes, with Portuguese neuroscientist António Damasio - expert in cognitive science and studies of the brain and human emotions; author of several books, articles and five best sellers. António presented the challenges of neuroscience and its relevance for the assessment of certain subjective and social processes. He further talked about what he called body and emotion feelings, warning that many feelings originate in organic processes of the brain. According to him, this understanding must be taken into account both for medicine and for society in general. Feelings are mental experiences that follow states of the body related to such phenomena, such as physiological conditions, emotions and homeostatic regulation itself. Feelings also survive some types of brain damage, explains the researcher. António Damasio had the support of former health minister and current projects coordinator, José Gomes Temporão, and deputy director of Markets, Carlos Augusto Lopes da Costa - both from FGV Projetos. Damasio spoke to an audience of about 170 people, moderated by Carlos Augusto Costa.
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