FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School accepting applications for postdoctoral research
The Regulatory Law Graduate Program at the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School is now accepting applications for its Postdoctoral Research Program.
The deadline for applications is February 14, 2024. To take part, you need to have a doctorate and meet the requirements described in item 3 of the public notice.
There is one vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher with a PDPG/CAPES Brazilian government scholarship, to carry out research related to the Regulation in Numbers project, connected to the “Regulatory Governance, Institutions and Justice” research area.
The selection process is composed of two eliminatory stages: document analysis and interview. The conditions for applicants and the documents required to register for the process are specified in the public notice.
About the project
Regulation in Numbers is a research project carried out by professors, students and alumni of the Regulatory Law Graduate Program, as well as undergraduate students at the FGV Rio de Janeiro Law School. Linked to the Center for Research in Law and Economics (CPDE), it is one of several broad projects that are part of the Regulatory Law Graduate Program, which has been building an empirical research agenda, focusing on quantitative aspects of the decision-making processes of federal regulatory agencies and the inter-institutional relations between regulatory bodies, the legislative and the judiciary. More information about the project, including its mission, areas of activity, lines of research and recent publications, can be found here.
For more details, see the public notice.