FGV's São Paulo Law School launches legal education observatory in the country

A caucasian person with a master's degree and a part-time job. That is the profile of Law professors in Brazil, according to the study Who are the Law professors in Brazil?, produced by the Law Education Observatory (OED), of the Teaching Methodology Center at FGV's São Paulo Law School (DIREITO GV). The study is the subject of the first report produced by OED, which will be presented tomorrow, October 29th, at the School.Since 2012, a team of researchers has been analyzing information of the National Census of Higher Education of INEP referring to that year. The data analysis helps to identify the profile of Law professors in the country, identifying the institutions which professors join, titles (undergraduate, master, and PhDs), gender (male/female), skin color/race and working regime. An attempt to compare Law courses regionally and in the context of Brazilian higher education was also made.According to Professor José Garcez Ghirardi - one of OED's coordinators - these elements will serve as basis for discussion and guidance on public policies to make legal education contribute to the development of the country. The North and Northeast regions, for example, differ from others as they concentrate Law courses in capital cities, unlike the Southeast region, where the overwhelming majority of courses are located in the countryside. Such data, besides indicating more issues that need to be addressed, indicate that they need to be addressed, he analyzes.Around 1,155 law courses and 40,828 academic positions were analyzed (criteria used to avoid considering the same professional in different institutions more than once).The results of the research Who are the Law professors in Brazil? will be available tomorrow on São Paulo Law School's website.
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