Financial investment in health sector to be explored in online debate

The debate will be moderated by Marcos Faccioli, the CFO of Grupo GSH. The opening remarks will be given by Professor Ana Maria Malik, FGVsaúde’s coordinator.
10 October 2022
Financial investment in health sector to be explored in online debate

The FGV Center for Health Planning and Management Studies (FGVsaúde) is holding a free webinar called “Financial Investment in the Health Sector – How Do the Equity Markets Analyze and Decide to Invest in Health?” The event will take place on October 11, at 7:15 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel. The speakers will be Daniel Gewehr, partner and fund manager at Wealth High Governance; and Márcio Osako, health sector equity research analyst at BBI.

Gewehr, who previously ran the equity research area at Santander, where he tracked the transformation of the health sector, will approach this topic from the perspective of an investment manager with a broad mandate and shed light on how investors select different countries and sectors. He will explain how the Brazilian health care industry is seen by global investors.

Osako is responsible for health sector equity research coverage at Bradesco BBI, where he examines the industry’s data and company-specific information in depth, publishing objective analysis and investment recommendations about the sector’s main publicly traded companies.

The debate will be moderated by Marcos Faccioli, the CFO of Grupo GSH. The opening remarks will be given by Professor Ana Maria Malik, FGVsaúde’s coordinator.

It is worth mentioning that the relationship between the health sector and the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange has changed profoundly since 2015, when foreign investment in the sector was permitted. As a result, the capital markets are now an option for health sector funding and understanding how the industry and its companies are analyzed by investors can help health managers use this option wisely.

To take part, please sign up here.

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