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Financial Market Talks: Event debates evolution of global payment systems

The event is part of a project launched in 2021 to discuss key topics in financial regulation in Brazil.

Financial Market Talks: Event debates evolution of global payment systems

The Nucleus for Financial and Capital Market Studies (MFCap) at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo Law School is holding a webinar called “The Evolution of Fast Payments – A Global Perspective.” This public event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on June 5, at 2 pm. During the webinar, the speakers will discuss innovations in payment systems across the world. The event will be held in English, without simultaneous interpretation.

The speakers will be Nilima Ramteke, senior financial sector specialist at the World Bank; Andrea Monteleone, financial sector consultant at the World Bank; José Luiz Homem de Mello, a partner in law firm Pinheiro Neto Advogados; and Rafael Bianchini Abreu Paiva, a coordinator at the Brazilian Central Bank. The moderator will be Bruno Meyerhof Salama, a professor at UC Berkeley School of Law and senior global fellow at the FGV Sao Paulo Law School.

The event is part of a project launched in 2021 to discuss key topics in financial regulation in Brazil, which includes two series of discussions: the Capital Market Talks, led by Professor Viviane Muller Prado, which address topics related to the securities markets; and the Financial Market Talks, coordinated by Professor Bruno Meyerhof Salama, which deal with topics related to the financial markets. The objective is to promote debate and enable high-quality critical analysis of contemporary and important challenges for the development of the Brazilian markets.

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