Maximum rating in National Student Performance Exam: FGV’s undergraduate courses among best in Brazil
Nine FGV undergraduate courses assessed by the Education Ministry’s National Institute for Education Studies and Research (INEP) obtained the maximum rating (5) in the 2018 evaluation, putting them among the best in Brazil.

Once again, Fundação Getulio Vargas has stood out in the National Student Performance Exam (ENADE). Nine FGV undergraduate courses assessed by the Education Ministry’s National Institute for Education Studies and Research (INEP) obtained the maximum rating (5) in the 2018 evaluation, putting them among the best in Brazil.
In the latest edition of ENADE, a score of 5 was given to the following FGV courses: Administration (FGV EBAPE), Business and Public Administration (FGV EAESP), Economics (FGV EPGE), Law (FGV´s Rio de Janeiro Law School and FGV´s Sao Paulo Law School), Public Management, Financial Management and Marketing. The undergraduate Economics course run by FGV EESP and technology courses in Commercial Management and Management Processes also performed well, obtaining a level-4 rating.
“We are privileged to be able to congratulate all FGV’s schools for their excellent results,” said FGV’s Provost for Education, Research and Graduate Studies, Professor Antonio Freitas.
Enade assesses the performance of graduating students in relation to the syllabus of the courses in which they enrolled. The exam is mandatory for selected students and an indispensable condition for obtaining their college transcript.
The other courses offered by FGV’s schools have also been rated among the best in the country recently. FGV EMAp’s undergraduate course in Applied Mathematics received a level-5 rating in its first evaluation, in 2017. In the same edition of ENADE, FGV CPDOC’s Social Sciences and History courses were given a score of 4.
For more information about FGV’s undergraduate courses, visit our website.
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