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OneMBA beats Columbia and Oxford in Financial Times ranking

Retrospect 2012. OneMBA was considered one of the best 100 executives MBAs in the world, according to the annual ranking prepared by the Financial Times. Only two Brazilian institutions are among the selected and EAESP occupies the 24th position, ahead of programs of traditional universities such as Columbia, Cornell and Oxford. EAESP's executive MBA is developed in partnership with four other business schools: the Chinese University of Hong Kong (China), RSM Erasmus University (Netherlands), Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). Fully offered in English, the course grants its graduates a MBA certificate from EAESP and another, the OneMBA, acknowledged and signed by the five institutions. The Financial Times ranking has been elaborated for 12 years and is based on surveys with business school students, using criteria that evaluate the career development and idea generation in educational institutions. EAESP's OneMBA is among the best executive MBAs since 2008. To check this year's list, click here.