Online event discusses human and economic aspects of battle against new wave of COVID-19
The event will feature the president of the Brazilian Human Resources Association (ABRH), Paulo Magalhães Sardinha; the president of the Brazilian Association of Fuel Importers (Abicom), Sérgio de Souza Araújo; and FGV’s board member training coordinator, Carlos Alberto Ercolin.
What have we learned in this period of turbulence and how has it affected employees, customers and other stakeholders? What new economic and financial factors and risks should be considered after normal business activity resumes? These and other topics will be explored in a live event called “How to Tackle This New Wave? Human and Economic Aspects,” to be held on February 24, at 3 pm, by FGV Executive Education.
The event will feature the president of the Brazilian Human Resources Association (ABRH), Paulo Magalhães Sardinha; the president of the Brazilian Association of Fuel Importers (Abicom), Sérgio de Souza Araújo; and FGV’s board member training coordinator, Carlos Alberto Ercolin.
The webinar is being organized by FGV’s Board Member Training Course. The course is designed to provide a solid and comprehensive foundation for executives, consultants and entrepreneurs to serve as members of boards of directors, advisory boards or audit boards in the public, private and third sectors.
For more information and to sign up, click here.
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