Online event discusses labor reform

This public event will take place on April 27, at 2 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel.
25 April 2023
Online event discusses labor reform

The Work and Development Research Group at Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Sao Paulo Law School is holding a free webinar on labor reform. This public event will take place on April 27, at 2 pm, on FGV’s YouTube channel.

The fourth event in the “What Labor Reform Do We Need?” series, begun in 2022, aims to identify concrete ideas for reforming the laws that govern labor relations in Brazil, from the perspectives of substantive law, procedural law and collective law, to broaden, deepen and improve debate in the search for solutions to better structure this key contractual relationship in the capitalist framework for organizing work.

Labor law reform is a recurring demand in Brazil, given that the country’s Consolidated Labor Laws, enacted in the 1940s, are outdated, and technological advances require new rules to govern new ways of working.

In 2017, Congress hurriedly passed a labor reform (Law 13,467), which did not undergo in-depth and broad debate. For some unusual reasons, the House of Representatives and Senate approved the bill submitted by the president of Brazil. However, since its enactment, the reform has been criticized by various stakeholders, for different reasons. Nobody denies that one of its most obvious defects is the lack of effective and broad debate on the change in rules.

During the presidential election campaign, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva pledged to revoke this labor reform. Since taking office, he has said he will set up working groups with a view to reviewing the reform.

The speakers will be Eduardo Rockenbach Pires, who has a doctorate and master’s in labor law from the University of Sao Paulo; Grijalbo Fernandes Coutinho, a labor appeal court judge with a master’s and doctorate in law from Minas Gerais Federal University; and Giovana Labigalini Martins, who has a doctorate in labor and social security law from the University of Sao Paulo and a master’s in law and development from Ribeirão Preto Law School. The moderator will be Professor Alessandra Benedito of the FGV Sao Paulo Law School.

To take part, please sign up here.

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