Political system ensures democratic stability in Brazil, says EBAPE professor

The book aims to oppose the dominant view that, to some extent, the combination of presidentialism and fragmentation is turbulent, generating chaos and lack of consensus, said Carlos Pereira in the interview.
22 January 2014

The political scientist and professor at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV/EBAPE), Carlos Pereira, was one of the guests of the journalist Miriam Leitão's program on GloboNews channel. The topic discussed was the Brazilian multiparty political system, which is analyzed in the book Making Brazil Work: Checking the President in a Multiparty System, authored by Carlos Pereira and the professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Marcus André Melo.

The book - released in July 2013 at the Congress of the American Political Science Association, in Chicago - reveals how the political system ensured democratic stability in Brazil. The publication thus offers an analysis of the political and institutional foundations of the recent rise of Brazil to the route of development.

The authors also argue, considering the institutional characteristics of the country in federal and sub-national levels, that such scenario is the result of combining a constitutionally strong president and a robust system of breaks and balances that emerge from a healthy political competition and power alternation. The book aims to oppose the dominant view that, to some extent, the combination of presidentialism and fragmentation is turbulent, generating chaos and lack of consensus, said Carlos Pereira in the interview.

Please click here and watch the participation of Professor Carlos Pereira in GloboNews.

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