RAE opens call for papers on culinary entrepreneurship
The management publication is receiving papers for the forum titled “The business of eating: Entrepreneurship and cultural politics”.

The Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE - Journal of Business Management) published by FGV’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) is receiving papers for the forum titled “The business of eating: Entrepreneurship and cultural politics”, until June 30, organized by professors Jeffrey Pilcher (University of Toronto), Krishnendu Ray (New York University), Eliane Brito (EAESP) and Marina Heck (EAESP).
While food sales represent the largest business in the world, it is also a venue for countless micro-level transactions, where street vendors compete – albeit at a massive disadvantage – with transnational giants such as McDonald’s and Walmart. In order to better understand this complex market and promote discussions that transcend national borders among scholars in the fields of management, social sciences and humanities on a global scale, the forum is now receiving theoretical and empirical papers on the subject.
Papers must be unpublished, written in English, and submitted via the ScholarOne system.
Please visit the website for more information.
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