
Seminar discusses Brazilian economy’s prospects in 2023

The speakers will be Armando Castelar, associate researcher at FGV IBRE; José Júlio Senna, head of the institute’s Center for Monetary Studies; and Silvia Matos, the coordinator of FGV IBRE’s Macro Bulletin.

Seminar discusses Brazilian economy’s prospects in 2023

Despite major challenges, the Brazilian economy beat expectations last year, standing out in relation to other countries and benefiting from external circumstances. The big question now is what economic policy will be like this year. There are high hopes with regard to the new fiscal framework that the government plans to submit to Congress later this month, since fiscal sustainability is essential to the country’s growth.

This is the theme of the First Macroeconomic Analysis Seminar of 2023, to be held by Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV IBRE) on March 9, at 10 am. The event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel. The idea is to analyze the Brazilian economy’s prospects, the external situation, the recent rise in interest rates and the global slowdown (although there are already signs that this brake on the economy is becoming less intense).

The speakers will be Armando Castelar, associate researcher at FGV IBRE; José Júlio Senna, head of the institute’s Center for Monetary Studies; and Silvia Matos, the coordinator of FGV IBRE’s Macro Bulletin. The moderator will be Adriana Fernandes, O Estado de S. Paulo special reporter and columnist.

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