Social security, fundamental rights and challenges for Brazilian society are themes of webinar
Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Public Policy and Government (FGV EPPG) is holding a webinar on the challenges facing Brazilian society in relation to social security and fundamental rights. This public event will take place on March 20, at 6 p.m., on FGV’s YouTube channel.
Social security appeared in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights back in 1948. In turn, Article 194 of the Brazilian Constitution defines its pillars in the following terms: “Social security comprises an integrated set of actions instigated by the public authorities and society, aimed at ensuring rights related to health, pensions and welfare.” These are the three pillars of social security, which according to the Brazilian Constitution serve as an instrument to achieve social rights for all citizens of the country.
In this respect, Brazil’s present circumstances warrant continuous and strengthened attention to social security and the best possible ways to guarantee that fundamental rights are upheld. But how can we strengthen the effectiveness of fundamental social rights in the face of so many structural difficulties that Brazil has experienced in recent decades?
The guest speaker for this webinar, who will reflect on these issues, will be Marco Aurélio Serau Junior, a visiting professor of social security and labor law at Paraná Federal University, who has a doctorate and master’s in human rights from the University of Sao Paulo. The moderator will be Jeferson Teodorovicz, a lawyer, consultant, author and coordinator of numerous legal works, and a professor and researcher at FGV EPPG.
To take part, please sign up here.
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