University Entrance Exam: FGV opens registration for 2019 selection process
Candidates may enter through international selection processes for undergraduate programs in Administration, Economics and Law in Rio de Janeiro, in addition to all unergraduate programs currently available in Sao Paulo: Business Administration, Public Administration, Law, Economics and International Relations.

FGV opened registrations for the 2019 university entrance exam on July 2. A total of 1,010 vacancies are available, distributed throughout the schools in Rio de Janeiro (Administration, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, and Applied Mathematics) and Sao Paulo (Business Administration – Day and Evening, Public Administration, Economics, Law, and International Relations). A new undergraduate program in International Relations in Sao Paulo is also available this year.
Registration for the university entrance exam in Rio de Janeiro end at 6 p.m. on September 25. Potential candidates for the exam in Sao Paulo must register by 6 p.m. on October 9. Registration via the National High School Exam (Enem) for all schools in Rio de Janeiro, the School of International Relations (RI), and the Sao Paulo Law School (Direito SP) will be accepted until January 11 of next year. Enem registrations for the Business and Public Administration unidergraduate programs in Sao Paulo will close on November 29.
Candidates may also enter through international selection processes for undergraduate programs in Administration, Economics and Law in Rio de Janeiro, in addition to all undergraduate programs currently available in São Paulo: Business Administration, Public Administration, Law, Economics and International Relations.
FGV offers special conditions for those who register for the selection process via the university entrance exam by 6 p.m. on August 10. Candidates will pay a discount fee of BRL 75 until this date, after which a fee of BRL 150 will be charged. Those who enter the selection process via Enem in Rio de Janeiro will pay BRL 10 until 6 p.m. on January 11 of next year. In Sao Paulo, the Enem fee for candidates of the Law program is BRL 75 until 6 p.m. on August 10, and BRL 150 from that date until 6 p.m. on January 11 of next year. For candidates of the Business or Public Administration and International Relations programs, the Enem fee in Sao Paulo is BRL 25 until 6 p.m. on August 10 and BRL 50 thereafter. Registration for the Business or Public Administration programs via Enem will be accepted until 6 p.m. on November 29. Enem registrations for the International Relations program will be accepted until 6 p.m. on January 11 of next year. The same deadlines and rates apply to the IB, Abitur and BAC international exams, for the Business or Public Administration and International Relations programs.
In Rio de Janeiro, the deadlines and rates for the international selection process are as follows: BRL 75 until 6 p.m. on August 10. After this date, the fee will be BRL 150 until September 25. In Sao Paulo, the registration fee for the Law and Economics programs is BRL 75 until 6 p.m. on August 10. After this deadline, candidates will pay BRL 150 until 6 p.m. on October 9.
In Rio de Janeiro, FGV offers 100 vacancies for Administration (40 via university entrance exam, 40 via Enem, and 20 via international selection processes); 100 for Economics (65 via university entrance exam, 25 via Enem and 10 via international selection processes); 50 for Social Sciences (40 via university entrance exam and 10 via Enem); 100 for Law (70 via university entrance exam, 20 via Enem and 10 via international selection processes); and 30 for Applied Mathematics (24 via university entrance exam and 6 via Enem).
In Sao Paulo, there are 100 vacancies for Public Administration (45 via university entrance exam, 40 via Enem and 15 via international selection processes); 250 for Business Administration – 200 during the day and 50 at night (185 via university entrance exam, 40 via Enem and 25 via international selection processes); 100 for Economics (95 via university entrance exam and 5 via international selection processes); 80 vacancies for Law (64 via university entrance exam, 14 via Enem, and 2 via international selection processes); and 100 for vacancies for International Relations (60 via university entrance exam, 30 via Enem and 10 via international selection processes).
Applicants who have graduated or are graduating from High School at public schools in Brazil or who have been awarded 100% scholarships at private institutions throughout High School may request exemption from the registration fee. The deadline is September 17 in Rio de Janeiro and October 2 in Sao Paulo.
Registration for all FGV schools will be exclusively accepted online at:, where candidates can access full exam information.
FGV university entrance exam calendar:
Rio de Janeiro (all undergraduate programs)
October 21, 2018
Sao Paulo
– Business Administration – Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP)
1st phase: December 2, 2018
2nd phase (oral exam): January 14, 15, 16 and 17, 2019
– Economics – Sao Paulo School of Economics (FGV EESP)
1st phase – November 18, 2018
2nd phase – December 9, 2018
– Law – Sao Paulo Law School (FGV Direito SP)
1st phase – November 2 and November 15, 2018
2nd phase – December 10-14, 2018
– International Relations – School of International Relations (FGV RI)
November 18, 2018
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