Relações Internacionais

G20 in Brazil: FGV hosts world leaders for Global Citizen NOW Conference in Rio de Janeiro

The first Latin American edition of this event is aligned with the agenda of priorities established by the Brazilian G20 presidency: combating hunger and poverty, sustainability, climate change and a just energy transition.

G20 Brasil: FGV recebe líderes mundiais para a Conferência Global Citizen Now Rio de Janeiro

On November 17, the FGV Cultural Center will host the Global Citizen NOW Conference in Rio de Janeiro. The event, to take place the day before the G20 summit of heads of state and government, will be broadcast live on the YouTube channels of FGV and Global Citizen.

The conference, an official part of the G20 in Brazil agenda, will be attended by Brazil’s First Lady, Janja Lula da Silva; the president of the European Commission, Ursula Van der Leyen; the president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa; sector leaders including Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, and Tarciana Medeiros, CEO of Banco do Brasil; private sector leaders such as Doron Avni, vice president for government affairs and public policy for emerging markets at Google; and climate leaders such as Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation and Paris Agreement negotiator.

Co-organized by Global Citizen, one of the world’s leading advocacy organizations in the fight against hunger and extreme poverty, the conference is aligned with the agenda of priorities established by the Brazilian G20 presidency: fighting hunger and poverty, sustainability, climate change and a just energy transition. 

“FGV is supporting the Brazilian G20 presidency and the agenda of priorities established by Brazil. We recently became founding members of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. We are looking at the G20 and COP30 summits as unique opportunities to strengthen Brazil’s participation in major international forums. Global Citizen NOW is another example of FGV’s involvement and contribution to promoting international dialogue,” says FGV’s international director, Marlos Lima.

This is the first time a Global Citizen NOW conference has been held in Latin America. More than 300 participants are expected from all over the world, including heads of state and government, public and private sector leaders, CEOs, and representatives of international organizations and the third sector.