
2024 BALAS Annual Conference | Innovation Ecosystems for Business Development

Auditório FGV 9 de Julho | Salas de aula
08h30 - 18h00
Unidade FGV Responsável:
2024 BALAS Annual Conference | Innovation Ecosystems for Business Development


New digital and physical technologies are enabling the creation of new business models by new ventures and established organizations, as well as facilitating the interaction between partners and the creation of complementary business activities. In this context, the notion of ecosystems is becoming increasingly popular. In the last ten years, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has highlighted the central role of innovation ecosystems in fomenting economic activity. The BALAS 2024 Conference will provide a scholarly academic forum for discussing innovation ecosystems for business development in the LATAM contexts, focusing on specific conditions and solutions of our reality.

Founded in 1989, BALAS is the first academic association to focus exclusively on business and economics in Latin America and the Caribbean. Scholars from around the world participate in the annual conference known for its solid academic standards and for being congenial, open, supportive and fun. In addition to the conference, BALAS produces special edition publications, doctoral consortia, case studies and awards programs.  

The objectives of BALAS are to foster education, encourage research, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of Latin American issues that affect the business environment of both domestic and transnational enterprises.  BALAS offers events, materials and networks to develop successive generations of academic and professional leaders focused on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Partnerships and Members
BALAS thanks Institutional Members for their continuing support and collaboration. Partner universities include: Universidad de San Diego, Florida International University, University of Texas Arlington, Northeastern University, University of Arizona, Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia), ESAN University, Universidad de Chile, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile), Universidad de Puerto Rico/Rio Piedras, EGADE Business School - Tecnologico de Monterrey, Universidad de La Salle (Colombia), INCAE Costa Rica, Universidad de Texas Rio Grande Valley, Fundação Getulio Vargas, INSPER Brazil. Universidad ICESI (Colombia), Universidad de La Sabana/ INALDE (Colombia), Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), U. of Texas San Antonio, CETYS Universidad (México), ESPAE-Espol (Ecuador), Universidad ORT (Uruguay), IESA (Venezuela), Universidad de Lima, Perú, Universidad Privada Boliviana, CLADEA.