The Santiago Boys: an interview with Evgeny Morozov

This event will promote a thought-provoking debate on digital sovereignty, starting with the presentation of The Santiago Boys, the latest work of renowned author and researcher Evgeny Morozov. At the heart of this event is a crucial exploration of digital sovereignty and its implications for Latin America's evolving technological landscape.
We are honoured to host Evgeny Morozov, internationally acknowledged for his critical analysis of technology's societal impacts, leading the discussion. Morozov's extensive body of work, including podcast "The Santiago Boys", which uncovers the intriguing tale of Salvador Allende's technocrats building a socialist internet in Chile, brings a unique perspective to the conversation.
Alongside Morozov, a diverse group of participants will bring their insights to the table. Together, we will dissect the complexities of digital sovereignty in Brazil, considering its historical context, current challenges, and future prospects. From policy experts to scholars and activists, this event will foster a dynamic exchange of ideas.
This event is jointly organised by the Center for Tecnlogy and Society at FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro, and RedeSist.
Simultaneous translation in Portuguese and English will be available.
14:00 – 15:00: The Santiago Boys: An interview with Evgeny Morozov
Evgeny Morozov interviewed by Luca Belli
15:00 – 16:45 How to build a digital sovereignty agenda for Brazil?
Evgeny Morozov, author
Samara Castro, Secretary of Digital Policies, Presidency of the Republic
Marcos Dantas,
Luca Belli, Professor and Coordinator, CTS FGV
Helena Lastres, Professor UFRJ
Sarita Albagli, Professor and Researcher PPGCI
Moderator: Flávia Lefèvre, Coalizão Direitos na Rede
16:45 – 17:00 Conclusion by Estela Aranha, Special Advisor for Digital Policy to the Minister of Justice and Tatiana Roque, Secretary for Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro