Favela Summit: event connects communities with prominent companies

The Favela Summit will present the results of projects and discuss ways of expanding high-impact initiatives in shantytowns across Brazil.
04 十一月 2022
Favela Summit: event connects communities with prominent companies

On November 5, Fundação Getulio Vargas will host the Favela Summit. This event, held in partnership with the FGV Center for the Development of Public Management and Educational Policy (FGV DGPE), aims to highlight the potential of Brazil’s favelas (shantytowns) and connect them with prominent companies. The free seminar will take place at the FGV Cultural Center (Praia de Botafogo, 186, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro), starting at 1 pm.

The summit is inspired by the story of its founder, Pedro Berto, who is proud of his shantytown roots. He received a full scholarship to study at Fundação Getulio Vargas and is now an investor and intrapreneur. The event also aims to encourage companies to incorporate shantytowns into their business models, thereby creating work and training opportunities.

The Favela Summit will present the results of projects and discuss ways of expanding high-impact initiatives in shantytowns across Brazil. The guests will include representatives of third sector institutions and capacity-building initiatives for low-income people, professionals in the field of recruitment and human resources, executives at startups and tech companies, and shantytown leaders and residents.

The event will be attended by its co-founders, Pedro Berto and Lorena Machado. The speakers will include Luanna Luna, head of education at iFood; Evandro Tavares, president of Art Cult; Mateus Fernandes, community leader at Roda Periférica; and Camilla Mamede, project manager at CESAR School.

To find out more information about the event and sign up, click here.


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