Webinar debates challenges of fuel transportation infrastructure in Brazil

The speakers will be Daniel Sales, Petrobras’ logistics executive manager; Jones Soares, director of operations at Transpetro; and Victor Bomfim, the CEO of Vast Infraestrutura
31 七月 2023
Webinar debates challenges of fuel transportation infrastructure in Brazil

FGV Energy, sponsored by Petrobras, is holding the third webinar in its “Energy in Focus” series on the oil and gas sector, called “Challenges of Fuel Transportation Infrastructure in Brazil.” The event will be livestreamed on FGV’s YouTube channel on July 31, starting at 6 pm.

The speakers will be Daniel Sales, Petrobras’ logistics executive manager; Jones Soares, director of operations at Transpetro; and Victor Bomfim, the CEO of Vast Infraestrutura. The moderator will be journalist Mariana Trigo.

To take part free of charge, please sign up here.


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