Online event looks at education and economic development
Education is essential for the development of any country. Educational backwardness is directly related to underdevelopment and, in the 20th century, Brazil lagged behind some of its neighbors. In this context, Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV IBRE) and Folha de S. Paulo, a newspaper, are holding a webinar called “The Role of Education in Fostering Development” on May 17, at 10 am, on FGV’s YouTube channel.
Among other things, the event will emphasize the relationship that existed throughout the 20th century between public investment in education and development policy, as well as the consequences of low investment in education on growth and the job market today.
To better understand how education has evolved in Brazil since the last century, FGV IBRE’s Regis Bonelli Productivity Observatory is making available an extensive historical database on school enrollment rates and public spending at different levels of education, among other information.
The webinar’s participants will be Fernando Veloso (coordinator of the Regis Bonelli Productivity Observatory), Samuel Pessoa (associate researcher at FGV IBRE) and Thomas Kang (professor of economics at Rio Grande do Sul Federal University). The moderator will be Fernando Canzian (Folha de S. Paulo special reporter).
To take part in the event, please sign up here.