• Webinar | Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 – Dialogues - Panel 1 e 2 09 Mar 2021 10:15 a 13:50
    Webinar | Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 – Dialogues - Panel 1 e 2
    Local: YouTube FGV
    Endereço: Transmissão Online
    Data: 09 Março 2021
    Horário: 10:15
    Responsáveis: FGV NPII

    The webinar Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 – Dialogues (on Energy & Sustainability, Trade & Economy and Security & Inequality) is reopening the debate on key themes in the Atlantic Basin.

    The purpose of the event is to better understand the possible roles of different players in the region, considering major recent events such as the covid-19 pandemic, the geopolitical tensions engendered in matters of trade and technology, and the news in the green energy market.

    The webinar will be divided in three panels, each one with its own link to be broadcast live on the FGV YouTube channel:

    Webinar | Panel 1 | Trade and Economic Co-operation in Times of US-China Tech War and Covid-19

     March 9 - 10:15 to 12:00 (GMT-3)

    Webinar | Panel 2 | A Transatlantic Vision of the Green Agenda for Post-Pandemic Recovery  

    March 9 - 12:20 to 13:50 (GMT-3)

    Webinar | Panel 3 | Security and Inequality: Covid-19 and its Multilayer Impacts on the Society 

    March 10 - 10:00 to 12:30 (GMT-3)

    Access our website to know more: https://www.jmatlanticnetwork2.com/ 

    The panels will be held in English, without simultaneous translation.


- YouTube FGV
Transmissão Online

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