
The book ?The Future of Sports Mega-Events - Innovations for after the 2014 Fifa World Cup and the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games? is available in a bilingual version.

A research group at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV/EBAPE), coordinated by Professor Deborah Zouain, published the chapter ?Opportunities and Challenges for Innovation, focusing on the Rio 2016 Olympic Games: the perception of Tourists on the 2014 World Cup?, in a book that was featured on Faperj?s website - Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.  Edited by professors Lamartine Da Costa, Ana Miragaya and Andrea Deslandes, the book ?The Future of Sports Mega-Events - Innovations for after the 2014 Fifa World Cup and the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games? is available in a bilingual version on the institution?s website.In order to write the chapter, a face-to-face quantitative survey was conducted with 2,678 domestic and 872 international tourists in the 12 cities hosting the event, during the 2014 World Cup. The opportunities most mentioned by respondents were: tourism promotion, the country's visibility, cultural diversity and the possibility of improving urban infrastructure. Among the negative aspects were: overspending, lack of transparency, corruption, price increases, the distance among the host cities and insecurity. These data indicate challenges and strategic opportunities for the 2016 Olympic Games. This same group of researchers published a series of articles in international conferences under sports mega-events. Among these are: ?Analysis of Tourists? Perceptions During the 2014 World Cup in Brazil?; ?From the 2014 Fifa World Cup Towards the Olympic Games Rio 2016: the Residents? Experience & Expectations?; ?The Relationship between Media and Mega Events: 2014 FIFA World Cup Case ?; and ?2014 World Cup 2014 Impacts on Tourism of the Host Cities: A perception of the residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro in the pre-event period. These studies are the result of research projects that have the support of CNPq and Faperj and began in 2014 with researchers Paola Lohmann, Gabriela De Laurentis and Kaarina Virkki, coordinated by Deborah Zouain, in order to investigate the impact of sports mega-events in host cities, through the perceptions of residents and tourists, before, during and after the 2014 FIFA World Cup. In order to deepen more into the tourism, innovation and mega-events topic, the group organized the lecture series ?Innovation, Tourism and Sport Mega-Events. In 2015, the studies continue addressing the theme of mega sports-events, now with a focus on Rio 2016 Olympic Games under the Cientista do Nosso Estado scholarship granted by Faperj to Professor Deborah Zouain.