Debate: Public policies for the homeless population

On May 23, the Nucleus for Legal Practice (NPJ) of FGV’s Rio de Janeiro Law School (Direito Rio) and the Center for the Protection of Human Rights (Nudedh) of Rio de Janeiro’s Public Defender’s Office launched the book titled “População em situação de rua: direitos humanos, políticas públicas e programas de housing first” [Homeless population: human rights, public policies, and housing first programs], the 9th Volume of the Series Clinics – Cadernos FGV Direito Rio (Rio de Janeiro Law School Journal). The event will be held at 11 a.m. in the 8th floor hall of FGV’s main office (Praia de Botafogo, 190. Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ).
Developed by 53 students of the NPJ’s Clinics Program, specifically at the LADIF Clinic (Laboratory of Legal Advisory in Basic Rights), the publication offers two legal opinions requested by Nudedh. The first addresses recommended actions to be submitted by the Public Defender’s Office to safeguard the human rights of Rio de Janeiro’s homeless population. The second analyzes the feasibility of implementing housing first structural programs in Rio de Janeiro, which is an initiative by Projeto Ruas – a partner organization of the Center for Legal Practice. This innovative approach was created to ensure dignity and opportunity to the homeless population by providing housing and support services.
A debate will be held during the event to discuss public policies for the homeless population. The event will discuss alternatives and measures adopted by public authorities and civil society regarding people in these conditions.
The event will include André Mendes, professor and coordinator of Direito Rio’s NPJ; Fábio Amado, Public defender and coordinator of Nudedh; Rafaela Moreira, Clinic supervisor of Direito Rio’s NPJ and author of the book; Carla Beatriz Maia, Public defender, responsible for issues regarding the homeless population at Nudedh; and Breno Gouvêa, Housing First coordinator of Projeto Ruas.