Research Theses and Publications
FGV is a global knowledge center with a wide range of intellectual output in various fields. Our research is frequently published and serves as the basis for debates between researchers and representatives of the public and private sectors.
Map of the new Poverty
Real estate markets in Brazil
Monitoring the productivity of the brazilian economy, the output gap and potential output
Big data for sustainable urban development
3rd most important Think Tank in the world
With our research, FGV disseminates knowledge in society through our institutes, study centers and specialized departments.
3º Think Tank mais importante do mundo
A FGV dissemina o conhecimento na sociedade por meio de institutos, centros de estudo e departamentos especializados.
Research at FGV
Academic Studies
FGV professors and researchers carry out academic research to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective areas of specialization. This includes the production of scientific articles, monographs, dissertations and theses.
Applied Research
FGV conducts applied studies that aim to solve real problems and provide practical insights for the public sector, companies and civil society organizations. This research often results in reports, recommended policies and consultancy projects.
Data Analysis
FGV is renowned for its ability to collect, analyze and interpret economic, social and political data. This includes the production of economic indicators, public opinion polls, statistical analysis and trend projections.