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  • Economic and Social Development
  • Culture and Society
  • Business Competitiveness
  • State, Government and Public Policy Efficiency
  • Democracy and Rule of Law

Applied Research and Knowledge Network

The Research Network was created in 2016 with the goal of encouraging excellent, high-impact and innovative research, thereby contributing to FGV’s mission. To achieve this objective, the unit has fostered links between research activities in the public and private sectors and encouraged the formation of research networks in Brazil and abroad. The Research Network also helps disseminate knowledge produced by FGV’s schools and research centers.

In addition to the Research Network, the governance structure of FGV’s research activities includes the Research and Innovation Commission, the Quality Center for Applied Research (CQPA) and the Committee for Ethical Compliance in Research Involving Human Beings (CEPH).

Created in 2016 in order to analyze the methodological rigor and potential impacts of applied research projects conducted by FGV’s different units, the Research and Innovation Commission has worked to expand the institution’s research production capacity. There is a structure of incentives focused on this type of project. This is an essential component for the development and execution of multidisciplinary research projects with high social impacts. FGV has created an internal fund to finance research projects selected by the Research and Innovation Commission. Since 2014, FGV’s Applied Research Fund (FPA FGV) has financed more than 251 applied research projects selected by the Research and Innovation Commission.

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ Quality Center for Applied Research (CQPA) was created in 2020 within the scope of FGV’s Research and Innovation Commission with the goal of ensuring the technical quality and execution of proposals and reports associated with the work of applying the knowledge developed by the institution’s centers, schools and units. CQPA also aims to promote technical integration and the application of new methodologies, technologies and practices to improve the technical quality of work in order to foster integration between the generation and application of knowledge and to support initiatives for the dissemination of research results.

FGV’s Committee for Ethical Compliance in Research Involving Human Beings (CEPH), created in 2016, is one of Brazil’s first ethics committees with a focus on the humanities. In order to guarantee the highest ethical standards in research, this committee complies with the strictest standards established by the national and international scientific community. In this way, FGV meets the requirements of national and international institutions for the publication of articles and for the execution of research projects through partnerships.

Schools and units

Research Areas

FGV Press

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