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relogio medidor de consumo de energia elétrica

IGP-10 slows to 0.04% in March 2025

Elas criam o futuro: o impacto das mulheres da FGV na sociedade

They Create the Future: the impact of FGV women on society

Livro sobre ensino de ciências sociais e história é lançado no Rio de Janeiro
Social Sciences

Book on teaching social sciences and history launched in Rio de Janeiro

Legislação estadual da transação tributária: levantamento aponta avanços e desafios

State legislation on tax transactions: survey shows progress and challenges

Duas mulheres segurando um post it

Mês da Mulher: Elas Criam o Futuro

Em celebração ao Dia Internacional da Mulher, a FGV destaca o protagonismo feminino na academia e na sociedade. A série "Elas Criam o Futuro" apresenta alunas, professoras, pesquisadoras e colaboradoras que impulsionam a inovação e o conhecimento. Acompanhe e inspire-se.

Confira a série especial



Promoting greater accountability in the science used for regulatory purposes is a necessary step if new pesticide regulations are to effectively balance the many different values and interests that are at stake.

Péricles Gonçalves Filho

In Brazil, this behavior has significant implications for national sovereignty and the regulation of digital platforms, as seen in Musk’s confrontation with Brazil’s Federal Supreme Court and Justice Alexandre de Moraes.

Yasmin Curzi de Mendonça

Rules need to be detailed in supplementary law and sent to Congress within six months.

Eduardo Salusse

The company that staged the tour in Brazil saw a 93.2% increase in profits and its share price rose 74% after the first week of ticket sales.

João Felipe Sauerbronn, Anna Clara Legey Seixas



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