Electoral rules, accountability, and development in Brazil

FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host the lecture titled ‘Electoral rules, accountability, and development in Brazil’, with CPDOC professor Eduardo Mello, on Wednesday, September 20, at 3:30 p.m.
The event will discuss the relationship between the Brazilian electoral system and the government’s ability to create public policies that benefit the majority of citizens.
Experts believe that the political system designed in 1988 does not provide tools for voters to use elections to punish politicians that channel resources to organized interest groups. The result is an expensive system that mainly benefits groups that can organize themselves and overcome the challenges of collective action, but which also makes it difficult to produce public goods, as a result.
The event also aims to introduce the mechanisms currently in place in other developing democracies across Latin America, Africa, and Asia, which have adopted variations of the so-called ‘coalition presidentialism.’
The meeting will take place in Auditorium 912 of FGV’s main office (Praia de Botafogo, 190, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro). Prior registration is not required.