"They told me I came back Americanized": Brazil-United States union relations during the Military Dictatorship

The Laboratory for Labor and Social Movement Studies (LEMT) of FGV’s School of Social Sciences (CPDOC) will host the lecture titled “They told me I came back Americanized: Brazil-United States union relations during the Military Dictatorship” on Thursday, September 14, at 2 p.m., in Rio de Janeiro. The lecturer will be Larissa Rosa Corrêa, with comments from CPDOC professor Alexandre Moreli.
The purpose of the meeting is to take a closer look at the role of U.S. unionism in Brazil during the 1960s and 70s, addressing a somewhat unexplored topic in labor history, studies on international relations, and debates regarding Brazil’s military dictatorship period.
Building upon the United States’ educational activities focused on implementing the so-called “free and democratic” unionism in the country, the lecture will shed light onto some of the contradictions, as well as the limitations and challenges of the country’s international union policy, compared to the military regime’s political and economic interests.
The lecture will also reveal the findings of the book with the same title, launched this year by Unicamp.