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FGV EAESP renews international accreditations and keeps its Triple Crown

The reaccreditations reaffirm FGV EAESP's excellence and expand opportunities for its students and alumni.

FGV EAESP renova acreditações internacionais e mantém sua Tríplice Coroa

The Getulio Vargas Foundation's São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) has officially received the renewal of its AACSB International and Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditations, consolidating its place among the select group of 1% of business schools in the world that hold the Triple Crown - AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA certifications.

AACSB International

The leading American accreditor of business schools with global operations, AACSB adopts strict international quality standards, focusing on excellence in teaching, research and learning.

FGV EAESP was the first Brazilian institution to obtain this recognition and, since 2000, has been among the best business schools in the world. With the renewal for another six years, the School achieves its fourth reaccreditation by the AACSB.

Association of MBAs (AMBA)

AMBA accreditation is one of the highest recognitions in postgraduate executive education. Its rigorous criteria ensure that only programs of excellence, with a solid curriculum and strong interaction with students, obtain this certification.

During the reaccreditation process, AMBA's evaluators - leaders of global business schools - highlighted FGV EAESP's reputation and prestige, both in Brazil and internationally. This recognition is driven by the School's participation in global networks of excellence, such as CEMS, PIM, GNAM and OneMBA.

Commitment to excellence

For Luiz Artur Ledur Brito, director of FGV EAESP, these achievements reaffirm the institution's commitment to high-level education: "The reaccreditations by AACSB and AMBA reinforce FGV EAESP's dedication to offering world-class management education. They are a reflection of our ongoing quest for academic excellence, innovation and global engagement. We are proud to be part of an elite network shaping the future of business and management education and we remain committed to expanding our impact in Brazil and around the world."

Triple Crown with EQUIS

In addition to the AACSB and AMBA accreditations, FGV EAESP has held the EFMD EQUIS seal since 2001, ensuring its position among the few globally recognized institutions with the Triple Crown. It was last renewed in 2022 and is valid for five years.

In Brazil, the School was a pioneer in gaining this recognition and remains the only one of the three Brazilian institutions with this distinction to hold accreditation for the maximum period in all three organizations.

Benefits of global accreditation

International recognition strengthens FGV EAESP and has a direct impact on its academic community:

  • Students and alumni: Certification attesting to academic excellence, facilitating the recognition of training at institutions around the world.
  • Teachers and researchers: Greater inclusion in global academic networks and expansion of strategic partnerships.
  • Internationalization: Expansion of exchange programs, double degrees and academic alliances with leading institutions.