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Social Sciences

2023 FGV university entrance exam: discover our social science course

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) offers an undergraduate course in social science in Rio de Janeiro, which is designed to turn out professionals with a solid humanistic base and skills required to perform social research.

2023 FGV university entrance exam: discover our social science course

Social science is the field that studies the origins, development, organization and functioning of human societies and cultures. Social scientists focus on understanding the structure and dynamics of relationships in society, in areas such as politics, culture, social movements and international relations.

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) offers an undergraduate course in social science in Rio de Janeiro, which is designed to turn out professionals with a solid humanistic base and skills required to perform social research.


Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Social Sciences (FGV CPDOC) grew out of the Center for Research and Documentation in Contemporary Brazilian History, a prominent research center focused on social science and history, founded in 1973. The school currently ranks second for social science in the Brazilian Education Ministry’s General Course Index ranking of all higher education institutions in the country.

FGV CPDOC is a pioneering institution that is home to the private archives of public figures, which recount Brazil’s political, economic, social and cultural history, as well as the trajectory of its international relations. The center has made all its historical archives available free of charge to the public, via the internet.

2023 university entrance exam

There are 50 available places on FGV CPDOC’s undergraduate social science course, distributed as follows: 36 via FGV’s university entrance exam, 10 via the National High School Exam (ENEM) and four via international selection processes.

Application fees and deadlines

For applications based on FGV’s university entrance exam, the deadline is 6 pm on October 21 and the fee is R$150. The same deadline and fee also apply to international selection processes.

If you wish to apply based on your ENEM results, the application fee will be R$50 and the deadline is 6 pm on January 6, 2023.

FGV university entrance exam calendar

Multiple-choice and essay tests: November 14 and 15, 2022, starting at 9 am

University entrance exam results announced

December 5, 2022, after 6 pm

To take the university entrance exam, you must sign up no later than October 21 here.